Im using a form:

<form class="sortform" action="" method="get">
<select id="custom-search-filter" class="filter">
<option class="custom-search-order" value="ASC">Ascending</option>
<option class="custom-search-order" value="DESC">Descending</option>

to submit another form:

jQuery('select#custom-search-filter').change(function() {

    var order = jQuery(this).val();

    jQuery("div#custom-search-wrap #searchform input#order").val(order);

    jQuery('div#custom-search-wrap #searchform').submit();


The other form:

<form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" action="http://mysite.lh/">



Form above is working, but is not working when the other select from the other form change.

But this is not working on IE7? Any help is welcome.


  • Can you post the HTML for the other form as well? Dec 7, 2011 at 10:54
  • Guess: Both your forms have the same ID?
    – karim79
    Dec 7, 2011 at 10:55
  • now i added the other form piece of code Dec 7, 2011 at 11:03

1 Answer 1


I looked at your code and i cant find a form wich matches your

div#custom-search-wrap #searchform


This will work...

$(function() {
  alert($('div#custom-search-wrap #searchform').length) // 0 nothing found
  alert($(".sortform").length) // 1 form found


You said that the form comes from another piece of code.

Please check your selector like i done it and compare the results in IE with firefox, chrome or etc.

hope this helps

  • Now works great when I added names and not just only ids to forms and to select field. Thanks man. Dec 7, 2011 at 11:54

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