I want to build a windows Service, which should execute different methods at different times. Its not about accuracy at all. Im using a system.timers.timer, and regulate the different methods to be executed within the Eventhandler-method with counters. Thats working allright that far.

All of the methods are accessing a COM-port, making it neccessary to grant acceess-rights to only one method at a time. But since the methods can take some time to finish, the timer might tick again and want to execute another method while the COM-port is still being occupied. In this case, the event can and should just be dismissed.

Simplified down to one method, my elapsedEventHandler-method looks something like the following (try-catch and the different methods excluded here)

Note: While this is running perfectly on my Win7 x64, it struggles on a Win7 x86 machine with pretty much the very same software installed, whenever the method to be executed takes a long time. The timer wont tick any more, no Exception is thrown. Nothing! my question now is: Am I doing the part with access-control and the timer right, so that i can focus on other things? Im just not that familiar with timers and especially threading

     private static int m_synchPoint=0;
     private System.Timers.Timer timerForData = null;

    public MyNewService()

        timerForData = new System.Timers.Timer();
        timerForData.Interval = 3000;
        timerForData.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(Timer_tick);
    //Initialize all the timers, and start them
    protected override void OnStart(string[] args)

        timerForData.AutoReset = true;
        timerForData.Enabled = true;

    //Event-handled method
    private void Timer_tick(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            ////safe to perform event - no other thread is running the event?                      
            if (System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_synchPoint, 1, 0) == 0)

             //via different else-ifs basically always this is happening here, except switching aMethod,bMethod...
             Thread workerThread = new Thread(aMethod);
              //Just dismiss the event

Thank you very much in advance!
Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • I don't how the posted code could repro this problem. Dec 10, 2011 at 20:06
  • Actually i CANT repro the problem on my machine, only on the machines i am testing on, where i cant debug in Visual Studio. The main question here is the following: Does the above code make correct use of timers and Compare Exchange, that its save to assume, that only ONE Method at a time is operating? Else: How would you implement such a scenario?
    – Timo Jak
    Dec 10, 2011 at 20:41
  • This isn't the core problem, but do not use static for data which should be instance-specific (as m_synchPoint should be in this case).
    – bobbymcr
    Dec 10, 2011 at 20:45
  • Why are you calling workerThread.Start followed immediately by workerThread.Join? There is no benefit to doing things this way, since the timer thread is just going to wait until the new thread is done. Execute aMethod directly, and save yourself the overhead of spinning up a new thread. Dec 10, 2011 at 21:08
  • JimMischel:Reading my log.debug, it appeared to me, that this wasnt the case, which surprised me as well! Is this possible at all? My initial thought was, to explicitly advise the service to wait for completion... @bobbymcr: Right of course but not the fix =(
    – Timo Jak
    Dec 10, 2011 at 22:12

4 Answers 4


I would recommend using System.Threading.Timer for this functionality. You can disable the timer when it executes, process your data, then re-enable the timer.


I think it makes more sense to use System.Threading.Timer because there isn't really a reason you need to drop the timer on a design surface, which is pretty much the only reason to use System.Timers.Timer. I really wish MS would remove it anyways, it's wrapping System.Threading.Timer which isn't all that difficult to use in the first place.

Yes, you do risk a problem with re-entrancy which is why I specified to change the timeout toTimeout.Infinite. You won't have this re-entrancy problem if you construct the timer with Timeout.Infinite.

public class MyClass
    private System.Threading.Timer _MyTimer;

public MyClass()
    _MyTimer = new Timer(OnElapsed, null, 0, Timeout.Infinite);

public void OnElapsed(object state)
    _MyTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
    Console.WriteLine("I'm working");
    _MyTimer.Change(1000, Timeout.Infinite);


  • But you can disable System.Timers.Timer, too. Timer.Enabled = false. Dec 10, 2011 at 21:02
  • plus, I read that timerevents can be evoked, even after the timer has been stopped? Thats basically the reason i use CompareExchange link
    – Timo Jak
    Dec 10, 2011 at 22:26
  • @JimMischel: Clarified my answer a bit. Dec 11, 2011 at 17:23
  • 1
    @Bryan: I, too, discourage the use of System.Timers.Timer, because it swallows exceptions, which hides bugs. That said, the wrapping is useful for two reasons: 1) it uses an event model rather than a callback. The event model is more familiar to .NET programmers in general. Second, if you're using it in a Windows Forms application, setting the SynchronizingObject to the form causes the event handler to be called on the GUI thread, relieving you of having to use InvokeRequired and Invoke in order to access controls. Dec 12, 2011 at 4:37
  • @Timo: Yes, it's possible that a timer callback (or event) can be invoked after the timer has been stopped. But that can only happen if the next timer tick occurs before the previous tick's callback stops the timer. You would need a very fast timer or a very slow response for this to happen. Dec 12, 2011 at 4:44

If you want just skip method invocation while previous method didn't finish just use Monitor.TryEnter(lockObject) before calling your method.

EDIT: Here's an example -

public class OneCallAtATimeClass

    private object syncObject;

    public TimerExample()
      syncObject = new object();

    public void CalledFromTimer()
      if (Monitor.TryEnter(syncObject);)

    private void InternalImplementation()
      //Do some logic here

  • Exactly my thought. You might add an example that shows calling TryEnter at the beginning of the method, and the correct try...finally that calls Monitor.Exit on completion. Dec 10, 2011 at 21:06
  • @JimMischel - sure, added an example
    – Maxim
    Dec 11, 2011 at 19:47

You can try this:

When the timer fires, disable the timer.

When the task is complete, re-enable the timer...possibly in the Finally clause.


You correctly use CompareExchange to test and set the m_synchPoint field when doing the initial check. You incorrectly use direct assignment to reset the value to 0 at the end of the method. You should use Interlocked.Exchange instead to reset the value to 0. As a side note, you should also change m_synchPoint to an instance field -- it should not be static.

  • Id say "useful" but i cant xD
    – Timo Jak
    Dec 10, 2011 at 23:21

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