I need to call a class method on a variable of type Class, which I know holds a subclass of a base class, MyBaseClass...

- (void)foo:(Class)clazz {
  // Now i want to call +myClassMethod on clazz

I don't know if this is actually possible. If it is, is there a safer way to guarantee that clazz is actually a subclass of MyBaseClass?

Thanks in advance

2 Answers 2


You can use -respondsToSelector:, just like you would with any Objective-C object. You can also use +isSubclassOfClass: to test whether the class is a subclass of another class.

- (void)foo:(Class)clazz 
    if ([clazz respondsToSelector:@selector(myClassMethod)])
        [clazz myClassMethod];
        // clazz does not implement that class method.

    if ([clazz isSubclassOfClass:[MyBaseClass class]])
        [clazz myClassMethod];
        // clazz is not a subclass of MyBaseClass.
  • There is a "not" missing in the first comment. I would edit it in, but edits have to be at least 6 characters and I don't want to change anything else in your answer.
    – Kaiserludi
    Oct 28, 2013 at 21:13

Try this:

if ( [clazz isKindOfClass:[MyBaseClass class]] ) {
  [clazz myClassMethod];
  • [clazz isKindOfClass:[MyBaseClass class]] returns false here, since it's a Class itself, not an instance of one. [clazz myClassMethod] DOES work. Thanks! Looks like [clazz respondsToSelector:@selector(myClassMethod)] does the job. firstStackOverflowExperience.setSuccessful(true); Dec 12, 2011 at 1:41
  • My mistake. Darren's suggestion of isSubclassOfClass or respondsToSelector should work in its place.
    – jverdi
    Dec 12, 2011 at 1:45
  • 1
    -isKindOfClass: is an instance method, and would return NO in this case because clazz is not an instance of MyBaseClass. Use + isSubclassOfClass: instead on class objects. These are all declared in NSObject.h.
    – Darren
    Dec 12, 2011 at 1:47

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