I frequently find myself writing code like this:

tupla = (1, 2, 3, 4)
if (1 in tupla) and (4 in tupla):

Is there any Pythonic way to write this more compactly, without typing tupla twice?

2 Answers 2

if all(x in tupla for x in list_of_x):


if set(list_of_x).issubset(set(tupla)):

The first one will stop as soon as the first x is not in tupla. The second one will create both sets in any case.

  • Now I will use the second option, but the first one will come handy when list_of_x is very long. Dec 15, 2011 at 13:27

What your code is asking is essentially

Is [1, 4] a subset of tupla?

You can express this question directly:

In [14]: set([1, 4]).issubset(tupla)
Out[14]: True

In [15]: set([1, 4, 7]).issubset(tupla)
Out[15]: False

or, more concisely:

In [18]: set([1, 4]) <= set(tupla)
Out[18]: True

In [19]: set([1, 4, 7]) <= set(tupla)
Out[19]: False
  • Thanks for the explanation. I wish I could accept multiple answers as valid. Dec 15, 2011 at 13:30

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