Why does javascript prefers to return a String over any other choices ?

Consider the following snippet.

var arr = ['Hello1', 'Hello2', 'Hello3'];

Array.prototype.item = function(x) {
   return this[x] || null || 'aïe' || 12 || undefined ;

console.log( arr.item(43) ); // returns aïe

I intentionally called a non-existent array element.

However i cannot understand why does arr.item(43) returns the String ? Why not null or undefined or even 12 ?


6 Answers 6


Because this[x] is undefined, which is falsy, and so is null.

The || operator returns the first "truthy" value it finds, and stops its evaluation at that point.

If no "truthy" value is found, it returns the result of the last operand evaluated.

There are a total of 6 "falsey" values. They are...

  1. false
  2. undefined
  3. null
  4. ""
  5. NaN
  6. 0

Everything else is considered truthy.

So your expression will be evaluated as...

//   v--falsey            v--truthy! return it!
((((this[x] || null) || 'aïe') || 12) || undefined);
//               ^--falsey         ^--------^---these are not evaluated at all

Or you could look at it like this:

      (this[x] || null) // return null
            /* (null */ || 'aïe') // return 'aïe' and stop evaluating
                                || 12) 
                                      || undefined);
  • 2
    Just a nitpick, the || returns the last evaluated expression. In which case when one is truthy, it will return that.
    – alex
    Dec 23, 2011 at 2:20
  • @alex: Hmmm... yes, but the first "truthy" expression is the last evaluated. Perhaps I didn't stress the short-circuiting explicitly enough. I'll update.
    – user1106925
    Dec 23, 2011 at 2:38
  • 1
    Stephen Colbert would be proud of the truthiness in this answer.
    – Yuck
    Jan 18, 2012 at 19:58

The statement

return this[x] || null || 'aïe' || 12 || undefined ;

will evaluate the subexpressions left to right, and will return the first subexpression that does not evaluate to false. The non-existent element evaluates to false as it's undefined, and null is false by definition. That leaves the string as the first non-false subexpression, so that's what you get.


The code a || b is roughly equivalent to a ? a : b, or this slightly more verbose code:

if (a) {
    result = a;
} else {
    result = b;

Since || is left-associative the expression a || b || c is evaluated as (a || b) || c.

So in simple terms this means that the || operator when chained returns the first operand that is "truthy", or else the last element.

This feature can be useful for providing defaults when you have missing values:

var result = f() || g() || defaultValue;

You could read this as: Get the result of f(). If it's a falsey value, then try g(). If that also gives a falsey value, then use defaultValue.


The string is the first truthy value in the chain of or's. Simples.


Because it is evaluating in order from left to right.

If you were to modify to this:

return this[x] || null || 12 || 'aïe' || undefined ;

Your answer would be 12.


return this[x] || null || 'aïe' || 12 || undefined will not return one of those. It is supposed to return the result of the expression this[x] || null || 'aïe' || 12 || undefined - I believe it will return a boolean value.

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