I am considering creating a numpy table as key/value database. The inputs/update would be multi-theaded.

Exploring the idea, Problem: would GIL stop theads and only allow one update at time. Problem: can numpy table (tablespace) be mutlitheaded.

2 Answers 2


Some numpy functions are not atomic, so if two threads were to operate on the same array by calling some non-atomic numpy functions, then the array will become mangled because the order of operations will be mixed up in some non-anticipated way.

There are many examples, but just to be concrete, numpy.apply_along_axis is a long sequence of Python statements, clearly not atomic.

The GIL will not help you since it could stop one thread while it is only partly through some non-atomic numpy function, then start another thread which is operating on the same array...

So to be thread-safe, you would need to use a threading.Lock and only operate on the array after the Lock has been acquired:

with lock:
    arr = ...

Having to use a lock everywhere calls into question whether there is any benefit to having multiple threads operating on same array. Note that sometimes multithreading on a CPU-bound problem may result in slower performance than a comparable single-threaded version.

See also the ParallelProgramming with numpy and scipy wiki page for more alternatives and discussion.


I ve just needed that so I wrote it.. Going to try it now so not sure if it works as expected yet..

class LockedNumpyArray(object):
    Thread safe numpy array
    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.val = None

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
        if self.val != None:
            ret_val = self.val.copy()
            ret_val = None
        # print('getting', ret_val)
        return ret_val

    def __set__(self, obj, val):
        # print('setting', val)
        self.val = val.copy()

That is the class for numpy array. Then I have a class for controlling because later I want to have more thread safe numpy arrays operating.

class CaptureControl():
    Shared class to control source capture execution
    frame = LockedNumpyArray()

    def __init__(self):
        self.frame = np.array([2])

In the end I put an instance of this CaptureControl class into thread(s) as follows.

class CaptureThread(threading.Thread):
    Thread running source capturing
    def __init__(self, capture_control):
        self.capture_control = capture_control
        self.sleepTime = 0.01
    def run(self):
        while True:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    capture_control = CaptureControl()
    capture_thread = CaptureThread(capture_control)

I will be glad if anyone shared any thoughts about this solution, not including the time.sleep in thread run function as this is just an example ;).

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