I am getting value from a text field. I want to show an alert message if a special character, say % doesn't appear at the end of entered input.


  1. ab%C - show alert
  2. %abc- show alert
  3. a%bc- show alert
  4. abc%- ok

The regex i came up so far is this.

var txtVal = document.getElementById("sometextField").value;

if (!/^[%]/.test(txtVal))
   alert("% only allowed at the end.");

Please help. Thanks

  • What if % is not present in the string? Jan 2, 2012 at 1:45
  • @Sergio Tulentsev. The string wont have it. It's user entered value which will contain the %, meaning user will enter it abcde%f etc.
    – Nomad
    Jan 2, 2012 at 1:47
  • are you saying that we can assume that '%' always exists in the string, and we should check if it's the last symbol or not? Jan 2, 2012 at 1:49

4 Answers 4


No need for a regex. indexOf will find the first occurrence of a character, so just check it it's at the end:

if(str.indexOf('%') != str.length -1) {
  // alert something

2020 edit, use string.endsWith()


You don't need regex to check for this at all.

var foo = "abcd%ef";
var lastchar = foo[foo.length - 1];
if (lastchar != '%') {


  • thanks for your answer, but your answer doesn't seem to be work. jsfiddle.net/4tzmR/1
    – Nomad
    Jan 2, 2012 at 2:01
  • I had two syntax errors in that example. There was an extra closing parenthesis and a missing semicolon. jsfiddle.net/4tzmR/3
    – mrtsherman
    Jan 2, 2012 at 2:07
if (/%(?!$)/.test(txtVal))
  alert("% only allowed at the end.");

or to make it more readable by not using a RegExp:

var pct = txtVal.indexOf('%');
if (0 <= pct && pct < txtVal.length - 1) {
  alert("% only allowed at the end.");
  • Thanks for your answer and help, the regex one seems to be work but not the 2nd one. jsfiddle.net/ZHpDN/2
    – Nomad
    Jan 2, 2012 at 1:57
  • @Nomad, That was dumb of me. Fixed the 2nd. Jan 2, 2012 at 15:58

Would this work?

if (txtVal[txtVal.length-1]=='%') {
    alert("It's there");
else {
    alert("It's not there");

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