I have a virtual directory just above the root of my web app that I use to store product images.

After I installed ELMAH for logging I realized images stopped working. This was due to ELMAH looking for its dll under productimages/bin folder.

After i created a bin dir and placed the dll images are now working

I don't like this as a long term solution though. Any idea why it is doing this and how to fix?

2 Answers 2


The virtual directory inherits the configuration of your main application. To disable ELMAH in your virtual directory you need to add a web.config file to it with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
            <remove name="ErrorLog" />
            <remove name="ErrorMail" />
            <remove name="ErrorFilter" />
            <remove name="Elmah" />

(make sure the names match those of your modules/handlers in the main web.config file)


You could use some URL re-writing to direct productimages\bin at \bin in your solution could you not?



  • Woudn't work - .NET tries to load the DLL via the file system, not via a URL. Jan 12, 2012 at 11:32

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