Let's say I have 90 'indexes' in my array and I have a function which checks if that value exists in that array, would it be faster if i used strpos with a String instead?

Instead of using in_array() to

$data = array('John','Mary','Steven');

It will be

$data = 'John.Mary.Steven';

then I'll just strpos() on that String?

  • Whats about array('John','Lisa-Mary','Mary','Steven', 'Lisa');? You definetely must take much more care about how you use strpos(), than in_array() here. OK, you may say "I add . at the beginning and the end and search for .Mary. instead, because there will never be names with ., but sooner or later you want to reuse it with other kind of values and you will hack around, just to get it working. Keep it clean! Keep it simple! :)
    – KingCrunch
    Jan 16, 2012 at 17:44

3 Answers 3


Without bothering to profile it, I'd say that imploding to a string followed by strpos would be slower than PHP's built-in in_array() function.... because you're adding all the overhead of converting the entire array (all 90 elements) to a string before you can even use strpos(). Premature Micro-optimisation isn't a good idea, unless you really need it, and then you should test your ideas.


If you're using your own function instead of in_array(), it probably is slower, but raises the question "why"?


I was quite sure that use of strpos will be slower but I made a test below, and it looks like (at least in this particular case - searching for the last element) strpos is faster than in_array.

$array = array();

for($i=0;$i<10000;$i++) {
    $array[] = md5($i . date('now'));

$string = implode('.', $array);

$lastElement = $array[9999];

$start = microtime(TRUE);
$isit = in_array($lastElement, $array);
$end = microtime(TRUE);

echo ($end - $start) . PHP_EOL;

$start = microtime(TRUE);
$pos = strpos($string, $lastElement);
$end = microtime(TRUE);

echo ($end - $start) . PHP_EOL;

Results I'm getting:

  • 2
    You're not including the high cost of $string = implode('.', $array); in your calculations.... if the data startpoint is an array, then you need to include that overhead
    – Mark Baker
    Jan 16, 2012 at 17:31
  • 1
    OP never said that this array is different each time he is checking for elements existence. implode may be calculated once, and output string may be used many times. But you are right, including implode into benchmark makes strpos method about 50% slower than in_array. Jan 16, 2012 at 17:36

According to this test, looping your array and checking with strpos() would be slower than just using in_array(). They claim that in_array() is actually 2.4 times faster than doing a foreach loop with strpos().

On the other hand, a question here on SO seems to indicate otherwise.

Efficiency of Searching an Array Vs Searching in Text.... Which is Better?

If I were you, I would run my own performance tests to see what works best with my specific set of data.

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