I have a main view controller that takes care of the drawing for my 2D opengl ES view, and a child view controller buttonManager that determines what buttons to load and draw during launch.

Once the user presses on one of these buttons, this view controller is created and its view is supposed to come up, but the view never gets added but has been tested to work. Heres my code from the main view controller:

 buttonManager=[[ButtonManager alloc] init];
 [self addChildViewController:buttonManager];
 [self.view addSubview:buttonManager.view];

and heres my code to launch this view:

-(void)launchStopDialog: (NSString*)stopName {
    NSLog(@"stopdialog should be launched.");
    if (stopDialogController == nil)
        stopDialogController = [[StopDialogController alloc] initWithNibName:@"StopDialog" bundle:nil];
    if (stopDialogController)
        [stopDialogController presentWithSuperview:self.view.superview withStopName:stopName]; 

5 Answers 5


To access the parent View controller you can use self.parentViewController. Once you have it you can access its view simply by using its view property

  • 14
    In Swift 3.0 use self.parent "Yeah! Swift 3.0, %$^%!" (c) Breaking Bad Dec 11, 2016 at 14:07
  • 2
    @aqs : why is self.parent nil in ViewDidLoad ?
    – Kashif
    Feb 7, 2017 at 20:06
  • @Kashif, just check the next answer. Mar 7, 2017 at 16:10

Note to those using iOS 5.x+

self parentViewController now returns nil. You will now have to use self presentingViewController to achieved the same result. See this blog post for more information and additional work arounds for upgrading your code base: http://omegadelta.net/2011/11/04/oh-my-god-they-killed-parentviewcontroller/


Now after they have killed the


you can use

override func didMove(toParentViewController parent: UIViewController?)
  • Not sure if it is because I'm creating the child view programmatically or the self.parent or self.presentingViewController no longer work, but the didMove method was the only solution that worked for me. (And that I'm calling the childViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self) when adding the child view)
    – Jose
    Mar 20, 2018 at 18:51

here's what worked for me:

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
    NSString * segueName = segue.identifier;
    if ([segueName isEqualToString: @"child-view"]) {
        ChildViewController * childViewController = (ChildViewController *) [segue destinationViewController];
        [self addChildViewController:childViewController];

I accomplish this using the objective c blocks approach. Take a look at this blocks tutorial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS4JAy1Wy3w

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