I'm stuck trying to implement a user-configurable filter on a table using jQuery (in coffeescript).

I have annotated each row in my table with a CSS class that identifies its category and brand:

<table id="items_list">
    ... <!-- 6 header columns -->
  <tr class="category-12 brand-37">
  <tr class="category-17 brand-4">

I have <select> dropdown listing all of the categories, so I tried to hook on to it's onChange event to filter out only the rows in the table that match that category's ID. Here's what I've got so far -- it executes every time I change the category, but the selected_records is always null.

jQuery -> 
  items = $("#items-list").html()  # works - though it has a <tbody> around it
  $('#category_id').change ->      # gets the onChange for the category dropdown
    category_id = $('#category_id :selected').val() # this works, I get the id
    # this next line always returns null
    selected_records = $(items).filter("tr[class=category-#{category_id}]").html()

That second last line must be wrong, but I can't figure out why. Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


You don't have to get the html and manipulate with it. You can basically just show/hide the tr elements inside the table. Also you can just use this.val() to get the selected value of a select element inside the change event handler. Try this.

  var items = $("#items-list tr")
      //First hide all the trs
      //then filter trs based on category-id class and show them
      items.hide().filter(".category-" + $(this).val()).show();
  • Beauty - thanks. I just realised this strategy throws away my <th> row, but I think I can fix that. Thanks for your help! Jan 21, 2012 at 11:05

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