I would like to position a block to a certain position to the website. In this case can be the website logo or a language switcher. ( I know there is a tag for the logo but I want to create something a little more complex )

My idea is something like create a custom component ( put php if needed ) and style it with my custom css.

My question is: How can I link my recently created block with a css?


  • 1
    Just informational: There is also drupal.stackexchange.com now for Drupal-specific topics. This question is of course programming-related and might still get answered on SO. Only if it shouldn't, you could flag it for moderator attention to have to moved to DrupalAnswers.SE
    – mario
    May 20, 2011 at 16:38
  • Ok, I didn't know... My fault ( +1 )
    – Mc-
    May 20, 2011 at 17:23

1 Answer 1


Creating regions was what I needed.

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