I can navigate directly to this image on the development server and it is displayed.


But after publishing I get a 404


Version info:
Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319;
ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.272

If it is an MVC routing issue then why does it work in development?

EDIT: LOL - because the Uploads folder and its content were not copied over to the deployed app's folder. The path did not exist. I guess I assumed it wouldn't be an issue since the app's database was not an issue.

I had a second problem regarding the mime type because there are no extensions on these jpeg's, just a guid name from swfupload. I created a mime type for . in IIS that is image/jpeg and the images displayed. I imagine I should just add the extension to the filenames.

  • Is there a reason you didn't want to preserve the file extension? I ask because a mime type catch all for image/jpeg is not ideal. I just wonder if there is a specific reason or if something caused you to have to do it that way.
    – Nick Bork
    Feb 8, 2012 at 4:25
  • @Splash-X I agree, it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. The files have no extension because I did not know how to get it from the online examples of swfupload that I was following. I would rather preserve the extension and get rid of the workaround. I'll have to study swfupload and .net file handling some more since I'm new to this stuff.
    – Benjamin
    Feb 8, 2012 at 6:04
  • check out the answer I posted, it has a sample of some methods to accept a collection of files from SWFUpload (if you use the multi-upload) and pass back a file name. It so happens that my code returns a string that is a GUID with a file extension. Thought it might save you some time.
    – Nick Bork
    Feb 8, 2012 at 15:30

1 Answer 1


Since I've worked with SWFUpload before I figured I would give you some of the code I used for my ActionResult. Below is some code that I used. "CAA" is my project namespace, so "CAA.Utility.IO" is my namespace to some helper classes I built which are included below.

    public ActionResult Index()
        if (Request.Files.Count != 0)

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; ++i)
                CAA.Utility.IO.IFileStore _fileStore = new CAA.Utility.IO.DiskFileStore(Server.MapPath("~/assets/uploads/temp"));
            return new ContentResult() { Content = sb.ToString(), ContentType = "text/html" };

            return new ContentResult() { Content = "", ContentType = "text/html" };

And my IFileStore class:

using System;
using System.Web;

namespace CAA.Utility.IO
    public interface IFileStore
        string SaveUploadedFile(HttpPostedFileBase fileBase);

And my IDiskStore class:

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Hosting;

namespace CAA.Utility.IO
    public class DiskFileStore : IFileStore
        public DiskFileStore() { }
        public DiskFileStore(string UploadFolder)
            this._uploadsFolder = UploadFolder;

        public string UploadFolder
                return _uploadsFolder;
                _uploadsFolder = value;

        private string _uploadsFolder = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/assets/uploads/temp");

        public string SaveUploadedFile(HttpPostedFileBase fileBase)
            int lastPeriod = fileBase.FileName.LastIndexOf(".");
            string fileExtension = "";
            if (lastPeriod != -1)
                fileExtension = fileBase.FileName.Substring(lastPeriod);

            var identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
            fileBase.SaveAs(GetDiskLocation(identifier, fileExtension));
            return identifier.ToString() + fileExtension;

        private string GetDiskLocation(Guid identifier, string FileExtension)
            return Path.Combine(UploadFolder, identifier.ToString() + FileExtension);

You'll notice that when you create an instance of the DiskFileStore it takes the path you want to save the files to. If you don't specify, it has a default file location. The method will return a string with a GUID and extension.

  • This is helpful but something feels weird to me about this FileStore approach. Maybe it's just a naming thing throwing me off. I ended up just replacing the original code I had with two lines in my action method. I will refer back to your example here in the future when I make the upload workflow in my app more robust with drag and drop. Thanks! btw swfupload is n/g with windows authentication because of flash.
    – Benjamin
    Feb 23, 2012 at 16:20
  • The FileStore allows you to easily change out where you wish to save your files to. It could be a Disk, a Database, Memory, etc. To use SWFUpload you would need to allow anonymous access to what ever action is handeling your upload. Thats just a limitation of using the Flash object.
    – Nick Bork
    Feb 23, 2012 at 17:01

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