I need to pull out some of the text from an element on my page, using jQuery, and I can't figure out how to get the piece I need.

Here's my HTML:

<a href="#" class="song">
    <div>by <span class="artist">Musiq Soulchild</span></div>

I want to pull out the contents of .artist (in this case, Musiq Soulchild). First, I tried this:

var this_artist = $(this).children().text();

That gives me by Musiq Soulchild (since this is the <a> element). So then I assumed that all I had to do was specify a selector inside the .children() method to narrow it down to the .artist class, like this:

var this_artist = $(this).children(".artist").text();

But that gives me...nothing. I've also tried $(this).children("span").text(); and, likewise, also get back nothing.

What am I doing wrong?

  • 1
    Since you are using this, we need to know the context that the code is executing under. For example, is it inside an event handler? Feb 13, 2012 at 21:18
  • this is the <a> element that I'm clicking on, because this is inside of a function attached to all anchors within a particular <div>: $("#results a").live("click", function(event){...});
    – daGUY
    Feb 13, 2012 at 21:21
  • with OUT context `$('.song.artist').text(); Feb 13, 2012 at 21:21
  • 1
    FYI, .live( is depricated in favor of .on( in version 1.7.1 Feb 13, 2012 at 21:26

6 Answers 6


.children() only traverses the immediate children - given your markup .artist is not an immediate child. Use find() instead:

var this_artist = $(this).find('.artist').text();

Your selector is incorrect since .artist is not a direct child of the a element. Instead you need to use $(this).find():

var this_artist = $(this).find(".artist").text();

Example fiddle


You should use .find instead of .children. .children searches the immediate children, while .find searches descendants.





$("span.artist", this)

should do it... the span is a child of div, not anchor.


If this is an object of your link, this code returns span text:

var this_artist = $(this).find('span').text();


$("#results").on("click","a", function(event){
var myartist = $(this).find('.artist').text();

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