An absolute time is given in stored in this format:

time = "000:03:07.447"

How can this string be converted to seconds in an elegant way?


As suggested by Harper89

3600*#1 + 60*#2 + #3 & @@ ToExpression[StringSplit["000:00:04.424", ":"]]

Szabolcs suggested to use AbsoluteTime From Mathematica help: AbsoluteTime gives the total number of seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1900, in your time zone.

AbsoluteTime[{"000:03:07.447", {"Hour", ":", "Minute", ":", "Second", 
".", "Millisecond"}}] 
-  AbsoluteTime[{"000:00:00.000", {"Hour", ":", "Minute", ":", "Second",
 ".", "Millisecond"}}]

This works both

  • 1
    It seems AbsoluteTime has changed between versions 7 and 8.
    – Szabolcs
    Feb 14, 2012 at 15:20

3 Answers 3


Just as harper89 described, in Mathematica:

FromDigits[ToExpression /@ StringSplit[time, ":"], 60]

Parse the string to form an array between each of the : using something like split()

  1. For the first set multiply by the number of seconds in an hour
  2. For the second set multiply by the number of seconds in a minute
  3. For the third set add the number to the total

In other words

totalseconds = array(0)*3600 + array(1)*60 + array(2)

Or in vb.net Code

  Dim time As String = "000:3:7"        
  Dim a() As String  
  a = longstring.Split(":")
  Dim TotalSeconds as Integer = (a(0) * 86400) + (a(1) * 3600) + a(2))

From the Tag definition of mathmatica

Not to be confused with mathematics (math).


  • 3
    @Szabolcs you cannot blame him; one may assume that all Mathematica questions will be posted where they belong :-)
    – Mr.Wizard
    Feb 14, 2012 at 15:11
  • 1
    Ahh, I read it as he was looking for techniques that could be used. He edited and I understand exactly what he means now. My fault. (But hey now he knows to split!)
    – sealz
    Feb 14, 2012 at 15:17

Try the following:

      {"Hour", ":", "Minute", ":", "Second", ".", "Millisecond"}}]

(* ==> 187.447 *)

The key was giving an explicit date format (see the docs of DateList[])

This solution works in Mathematica 8. It appears that in version 7 (and possibly also in version 6) one needs to correct the result, like this:

      {"Hour", ":", "Minute", ":", "Second", ".", "Millisecond"}}] -
AbsoluteTime[{"0", {"Hour"}}]
  • I don't think he wants the Mathematica epoch for this, but his own.
    – Mr.Wizard
    Feb 14, 2012 at 15:09
  • @Mr.Wizard My code converts it to seconds correctly, just try it. I am aware that Mathematica considers 1900 january 1 as start of all time, but this is not an issue here.
    – Szabolcs
    Feb 14, 2012 at 15:10
  • This returns 3.534364987447000000000000*10^9 -- I think he simply wants 187.447.
    – Mr.Wizard
    Feb 14, 2012 at 15:12
  • @Mr.Wizard I get 187.447. Did we come across a version difference again? Let's go to chat
    – Szabolcs
    Feb 14, 2012 at 15:13

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