I have deployed my RoR app on VPS with Apache2 + Passenger. After configuring the app, when I hit the submit the request from the browser, I get "cache: [GET /] miss" in my apache2/error.log

Please help me understand why am I getting this error. I have been struggling with this error for a day or 2 now.

Thanks, John

  • I'm having the same issue, this logger is retarded, it gives no information about the error. A simple 'file X not found' would be enough Feb 20, 2012 at 12:34

3 Answers 3


Or you can tell rack/cache to shut up in your production.rb:

config.action_dispatch.rack_cache[:verbose] = false

This is an issue with Rack::Cache: cache: [GET /] miss on default Rails application in production mode Rails 3.2.2

Basically Rack::Cache has its logging set to verbose by default, and its log goes into STDERR, and under Apache STDERR goes into the error log.

As far as I understand, this is completely harmless, not it does fill the error log.

Here is the patch for this issue, it has been already merged, so you can either apply it yourself or wait for the next gem update.


I was having the same problem. If you are using the asset pipeline (config.assets.enabled = true in your application.rb) then you should either turn on your on-demand compilation or have all the assets precompiled.

Remember that Rails's helper tags like javascript_include_tag, stylesheet_link_tag, image_tag will try to use the assets path so make sure that all of your assets are available. If any of them is missing then you will get a cache miss.

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