I am working on a c++ project, and facing a design issue currently. I would appreciate it if someone can give me some suggestions. Basically, I have a base class Base, and a subclass Derived as below. Class Derived can do something that class Base cannot do.

class Base
   virtual bool IsCapableOfDoingA() {return false;}

class Derived: public Base
   bool IsCapableOfDoingA() {return true;}
   void DoA();

In another place where I have a pointer of type class Base.

void functionA(Base *pBase)
   if (pBase && pBase->IsCapableOfDoingA())
      Derived *pDerived = static_cast<Derived*>(pBase);

  • 1
    What are you doing with Base and Derived that needs dynamic polymorphism in the first place? Without some context, there's no way to answer this question.
    – ildjarn
    Feb 15, 2012 at 19:59
  • In your question you ask for an alternative to dynamic_cast, but what's wrong with it?
    – user743382
    Feb 15, 2012 at 19:59
  • This is impossible to answer without some more context. But as you've guessed, you should almost certainly reconsider your design if you're in a situation where you need to query what member functions exist. Feb 15, 2012 at 20:02
  • 2
    Is my impression or it should be static_cast<Derived*>(pBase) (with the pointer)?
    – dsign
    Feb 15, 2012 at 20:04
  • 1
    Can you just make a public virtual configure() function, and let each subclass decide how best to do that? If it involves doing A, then those that can, will. Feb 15, 2012 at 20:37

4 Answers 4


The usual way is to add the function to the base class.

virtual void DoA() { throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented"); }
  • Depends - if it's reasonable and common to do nothing, I'd just write virtual void DoA() {}. Note that the question doesn't contain a throw in an else branch.
    – MSalters
    Feb 16, 2012 at 9:58

In your design, is it ok for DoA to return a success code of some sort? You could replace IsCapableOfDoingA with DoA itself, and have the Base version simply return false (or other suitable error code). Child objects capable of doing A can override this function with a proper implementation.

You're right that dynamic_cast is often a design smell. With some more context we might be able to provide a better answer. My first thought is to really make sure a Derived IS-A Base if you're going to be polymorphically asking Bases for things they might not be able to do.

  • It's ok for Base to return a false since it's not capable of doing A. But since Base is not capable of doing A, I am figuring if it really makes sense to provide this interface to Base. IIRC, it's design problem discussed in book "Effect C++". The author gave an example that a Bird can fly or cannot. So it's better to not provide a fly() for class Bird, But derive a subclass FlyableBird that has a fly() member method.
    – Kevin W
    Feb 15, 2012 at 20:33
  • Yep, it's Item #32 from the 3rd edition of Effective C++. Scott gives suggestions (Mark's answer being one of them) but no absolute right answers. Feb 15, 2012 at 20:35

dynamic_cast will return NULL if the object doesn't have the appropriate type (assuming that the base class defines at least one virtual method -- usually you should at least make the base class's destructor virtual). So you can use the following idiom:

void functionA(Base *pBase)
   if (Derived *pDerived = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(pBase)) {

If pBase doesn't have type Derived, then pDerived will be 0 (false), so the body of the if statement will be skipped.


Here's another idea. You can split the enhanced functions into an interface and have a method to return the interface pointer.

class InterfaceA
    virtual ~InterfaceA() {}
    virtual void DoA() = 0;

class Base
   virtual InterfaceA* GetAInterface() {return NULL;}

class Derived: public Base, InterfaceA
   InterfaceA* GetAInterface() {return this;}
   void DoA();

void functionA(Base *pBase)
   InterfaceA* pA = pBase ? pBase->GetAInterface() : NULL;
   if (pA)
  • Thanks Mark for your suggestions. static_cast is not needed in your solution.
    – Kevin W
    Feb 15, 2012 at 20:42

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