I'd like the have the following routes:


calls the show method for sport with id = 1.


shows an "about" page for sport with id = 1.

Right now I have:

 resources :sports

in routes.rb.

If I try to go to


I get an error because of course no sport has id = about.

Can I do something like this?


To clarify, I just have an about action in my sports_controller. Thanks for both methods though (controller and action)

4 Answers 4


You can do almost anything you want with rails routes.

EDIT: Now a more complete (and correct) solution:

First you declare a new REST action in the sports resource:

resources :sports do
  get 'about', :on => :member

Then, to change the normal URL behavior url/sports/id/about to url/sports/about/id you should use:

match 'sports/about/:id', :controller => 'sports', :action => 'about'}
  • What this does is call an "about" action inside the sports controller. Is that what you want or you actually have an abouts controller? Feb 24, 2012 at 20:22
  • I just have an "about" action Feb 24, 2012 at 20:32
  • I get a undefined local variable or method map' for #<ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper:0x007ffd33d54228>`. Is this the 3.2.1 syntax? Feb 25, 2012 at 22:37
  • Try using "match" instead of "map.connect" Feb 26, 2012 at 8:48

This should take care of your routes, but you really ought to check out the RailsGuides on the subject.

resources :sports do
  resources :about

This will give you routes like sports/:sport_id/about/:id. Of course you need to set the value of the sport in your form_for(@sport, @about) do |f| call or something like it.

  • the comment above makes a good point, I assumed presence of AboutsController.
    – rhodee
    Feb 24, 2012 at 20:27

In the routes.rb write the following in the same order

match 'sports/about/:id' => 'sports#show', :as => :sport
resources :sports

To show a sport use sport_path(@sport)

  • Will this make both sports/about/1 and sports/1 go to the same action? Feb 24, 2012 at 20:42
  • Yes, the url sports/1 will not match with the /sports/about/:id, but will match with the sports/1 which resources :sports generates. Both urls will call the show action in the sports controller
    – mohamagdy
    Feb 24, 2012 at 20:55

I think this is the most straight forward way to do it:

resources :sports do
 collection do
resources 'about'

Or maybe:

namespace :sports do
 resources 'about'

Depending on whether you want a separate about controller or not.

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