I have a Rails 3.1 application where user-uploaded images are stored in the database. I'm using a dedicated path to serve these images through a Rails controller. Here is a portion of my routes.rb:

get "images/book_covers/:book_id", :controller => :book_covers, :action => :show
get "assets/book_covers/:book_id", :controller => :book_covers, :action => :show

Here is the code from the controller:

class BookCoversController < ApplicationController
  def show
    if @image = BookCover.find_by_book_id(params[:book_id])
      send_data(@image.image, :type => @image.content_type, :filename => "book_cover_#{@image.book_id}", :disposition => 'inline')
      render :file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html", :status => 404

This all works wonderfully in development mode (since asset pipelining is disabled), but when I try the app in production, I get (predictably, I suppose) the error: "ActionView::Template::Error (book_covers/61 isn't precompiled)". Here is the code that renders the image:

<%= image_tag book[:cover_image], :class => book[:cover_source].downcase %>

I'd rather not disable asset pipelining for the entire app, just for these images. How can I accomplish this (or am I just approaching this whole issue wrong)?

  • You use some assets_host configuration ?
    – shingara
    Mar 6, 2012 at 8:34
  • What return exactly the book[:cover_image] ?
    – shingara
    Mar 6, 2012 at 8:35
  • @shingara I am using the default assets_host configuration - in fact I have not customized any of the asset configuration values. book[:cover_image] returns a relative path (such as "book_covers/1" which the BookCoversController then handles).
    – Jack R-G
    Mar 6, 2012 at 19:47
  • I don't think the asset pipeline serves any purpose if you are pulling data from a DB. Serve them using a controller per @Wolfgang and keep them out of /assets. You can also write them into /public in the controller action so they'll be served on future requests by the web server. Mar 6, 2012 at 19:57

1 Answer 1


How about generating the image tag yourself without the asset pipeline, i.e. first name the route:

get "images/book_covers/:book_id", :controller => :book_covers, :action => :show, :as => :book_cover_image

and then in the template

<%= tag :img, :src => book_cover_image_path( book[:id], :class => book[:cover_source].downcase ) %>

Now the asset pipeline won't even know about your image, and your controller's show action will be called with the book's id as parameter.

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