I'm having a problem counting checked checkboxes in jQuery that runs counter to every example I could find. The following code works:

var checked_boxes = $('input:checkbox:checked').length // Returns 1 or 2 etc.

However, I would like to modify that to count the number of checkboxes of a particular class, say my_class. I have tried the following:

var checked_boxes = $('input.my_class:checked').length // Always 0
var checked_boxes = $('input.my_class:checkbox:checked').length // Always 0
var checked_boxes = $('input[type=checkbox].my_class:checked').length // 0 also

Same with several other syntaxes/permutations I tried.

For some background, these checkboxes are in a table in a td and essentially look like so:

<input type="checkbox" id="cb1" class="some_class_for_display_style my_class" value="1" />Blah

Any idea what I'm missing here?


Found the problem: It was the mis-placed class. I added an answer to that effect.

  • might it be the dollar sign before input? $('$input')
    – Ascherer
    Mar 14, 2012 at 2:03
  • Rats.. typo.. fixed.. apologize!
    – Adnan
    Mar 14, 2012 at 2:05

4 Answers 4


Remove the $ sign in the selector.

$('input.my_class:checked').length - Count of checkboxes which are checked

$('input.my_class').length - Count of all checkboxes with class my_class


Is this what you are looking for:

It will be good if you can provide a working JSFiddle but hope link below will help you.

Example: (You are looking mix of these 2)

http://jsfiddle.net/mtYtW/30/ AND http://jsfiddle.net/karim79/LUtJF/1/

Few good answers here:

Jquery how to count checked and disable checkboxes

Hope it helps, Cheers


Fastest Rubber Duck answer ever!!

Right after posting here I went back to looking at my code and realized to my horror that I had applied the class to the td not the check_box_tag (I'm using Rails).. moved the class to the check_box_tag and it seems to be working now.

Thanks everyone!


If $input is a PHP variable, you need to escape the JS string to use the variable:

var checked_boxes = $('<?php echo $input ?>'.my_class:checked).length;

If it is a JS variable, same thing:

var checked_boxes = $('input.<?php echo $my_class; ?>:checked').length;

And if it is not a variable, you just need to remove the initial $ from the selector:

var checked_boxes = $('input.my_class:checked').length;

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