I have 2 sequences:

l1 = { "a1", "a2"}

l2 = { "b1", "b2"}

I want to return a third sequence:

l3 = { new A {a = "a1", b = "b1"}, new A {a = "a2", b = "b2"}}}

How can I use linq to do so?

  • Do you have something to show or just expect us to write the code?
    – L.B
    Mar 14, 2012 at 22:39

3 Answers 3


You are looking for the Zip API

var l3 = l1.Zip(l2, (left, right) => new A { a = left, b = right });

Note: This wasn't added to the .Net Framework until 4.0. It's fairly easy to code up a 3.5 version though if that's what you're using.


You're looking for the zip operation from functional programming, which takes corresponding elements from two sequences and builds a third sequence containing the matching pairs. In C#, this is implemented using Enumerable.Zip. You can get the specific result you are looking for with

Enumerable.Zip(l1, l2, (elem1, elem2) => new A {a = elem1, b = elem2});

Assuming you have a class A and both sequences have the same number of elements in the same order:

var l1 = new [] { "a1", "a2"};
var l2 = new [] { "b1", "b2"};

var l3 = l1.Zip(l2, (x,y) => new { A { a = x, b = y });

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