I added a Google Custom Search Element to my website. I already modified the look and feel of the CSE to my website, but I can't modify the look of the ads element since it is inside an Iframe.

Does anybody know how to set-up the style of the ads Iframe? I want do put in a background color and change the font.


  • It might be against Terms of Service
    – Evgeny
    Aug 13, 2012 at 23:45
  • Also, styling into an iframe is subject to the same origin/domain policy. If it's not on your domain, the browser will restrict it because of possible page hijacking. Aug 15, 2012 at 20:17

2 Answers 2


This feature seems to be available only for Google Site Search customers. If you are one, you'll be able to recieve your search results as an XML feed, and apply a presentation layer on the raw data. All the details on how to do this are available at the official Google Custom Search site.


You can try this api for AdSence search - https://developers.google.com/custom-search-ads/docs/implementation-guide?hl=en , but you can't make ads view like search results.

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