I have a flash file that is located on my website and I have a PHP file which gets requests from flash file every 5 minutes. I want to be sure that flash file which is sending request is located on my website and not somewhere else. How can I do it. Is there anything in PHP's global variables that can help me or there is something else I can do?

  • Checking this from flash is no different than checking the same thing in an AJAX handler: Check referers (unreliable), use tokens (more reliable, but still not fool proof), require a validated login (better still), etc...
    – Marc B
    Apr 5, 2012 at 19:04

2 Answers 2

var url:String=stage.loaderInfo.url;
var goodPattern:RegExp=/^(http:\/\/)(www\.)?stackoverflow\.com/;
if (goodPattern.test(url)==true) {
    trace("This flash is hosted on stackoverflow");
} else {
    trace("This flash is hosted not on stackoverflow");
  • Thanks but It is not reliable solution because it is on user side. I need to check it in php not in flash. Apr 5, 2012 at 19:02
  • You can add data from stage.loaderInfo.url into your requests coming from flash, like a signature, or a hash of this, then compare it with PHP.
    – Arkady
    Apr 5, 2012 at 19:42

You might get something from $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] or $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] but this information can be spoofed.

There are many methods that can be used to ensure requests are coming from a particular/legitimate source. The technique that initially comes to my mind for sender verification is using a digital signature. If you want to avoid using a public-private key pair, and since the request is coming from the same server that is receiving, then using a pre-shared secret key might be appropriate (just be sure to hash with a salt).

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