I need to find a way of grouping rows that occur within 5 minutes of the latest timestamp in the group and the displayid and object id are the same.....

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ExampleLog](
  [ID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
  [DISPLAYID] [varchar](50) NULL,
  [OBJECTID] [varchar](50) NULL,
  [TIMESTAMP] [datetime] NULL)

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ExampleLog]
  (NewID(), 206, 6897913, 'HV 644', 6885819, 66, 'WAP 8', '2012-01-01 12:12:00'),
  (NewID(), 206, 6897913, 'HV 644', 6885819, 66, 'WAP 8', '2012-01-01 12:13:00'),
  (NewID(), 206, 6897913, 'HV 644', 6877807, 54, 'MV 20', '2012-01-01 12:16:00'),
  (NewID(), 103, 6897913, 'HV 644', 6898052, 118, 'HV 62', '2012-01-01 12:20:00'),
  (NewID(), 206, 6897913, 'HV 644', 6886130, 122, 'HV 62', '2012-01-01 12:21:00'),
  (NewID(), 206, 6897913, 'HV 644', 6886130, 106, 'HV 62', '2012-01-01 12:25:00'),
  (NewID(), 204, 6897913, 'HV 644', 6886130, 106, 'HV 62', '2012-01-01 12:31:00'),
  (NewID(), 204, 6897913, 'HV 644', 6886130, 106, 'HV 62', '2012-01-01 12:33:00'),
  (NewID(), 104, 6897913, 'HV 644', 6886130, 106, 'HV 62', '2012-01-01 12:39:00')

so using the dataset above, my results would ideally be grouped as follows;

Rows 1 and 2 are grouped because the objectid and displayid are the same and row 2 occurs within 5 minutes of row 1, there are no other rows in the dataset that contain the same displayid and objectid and a timestamp within 5 minutes of the group’s latest timestamp (row 2) so..

Row 3 is grouped by itself because there are no rows in the dataset where the displayid and objectid match within a 5 minute of that groups latest timestamp (row 3).

Row 4, 5 and 6 are grouped because the displayid's match, the objectid's match and the rows timestamps are within 5 minutes of the last row, row 5's timestamp is within 5 minutes of row 4's, and row 6 timestamp is within 5 minutes of row 5's.

Row 7 and 8 are grouped because the objectid's and displayid's are the same and row 8's timestamp is within 5 minutes of that groups latest timestamp (row 7).

Row 9 is grouped by itself because there are no rows in the dataset where the displayid and objectid match within a 5 minute of that groups latest timestamp

*I am using SQL Server 2008 R2


1 Answer 1


Thanks for taking a look, and your suggestions, this soloution has worked well for me...

    cte_remove AS (
FROM dbo.examplelog a
INNER JOIN dbo.examplelog b ON
    a.ID != b.ID AND
    b.[timestamp] BETWEEN a.[timestamp] AND DATEADD(SECOND, 300, a.[timestamp])
   cte_results AS (
SELECT * FROM dbo.examplelog EXCEPT 
SELECT * FROM cte_remove 
SELECT * FROM cte_results ORDER BY [timestamp]

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