I have created one batch file to run SVN update through ASP.Net web application. It is working fine at my computer and it updated all folders. But when I deploy it and run the same batch at server side through page, it is not been updated.

Point to note is, I am able to execute the same batch at server side manually.

Here is my batch files content..


@echo off

set SOURCE=my source path to update
set SVN=C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\

"%SVN%\svn.exe" cleanup %SOURCE%

"%SVN%\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:update /path:"%SOURCE%" /closeonend:1

set SVN=


Please help out.

1 Answer 1


Check if the user under which IIS process runs (W3P.exe) has the same rights as when you run it manually.

  • yeah..its the same admin user
    – Sreenath
    Apr 17, 2012 at 5:24

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