How is auto implemented in C++11? I tried following and it works in C++11

auto a = 1;
// auto = double
auto b = 3.14159;
// auto = vector<wstring>::iterator
vector<wstring> myStrings;
auto c = myStrings.begin();
// auto = vector<vector<char> >::iterator
vector<vector<char> > myCharacterGrid;
auto d = myCharacterGrid.begin();
// auto = (int *)
auto e = new int[5];
// auto = double
auto f = floor(b);

I want to check how this can be achieved using plain C++

  • 7
    It takes the type of the thing on the right and puts it on the left.
    – GManNickG
    Apr 18, 2012 at 7:53
  • 1
    It takes the type the same way as decltype() and use it instead of auto
    – Jaffa
    Apr 18, 2012 at 7:53
  • 4
    "I want to check how this can be achieved using plane C++" This is plain C++, if your compiler is recent enough. I.e., it's standardized, and thus not anything special or out of the ordinary.
    – ildjarn
    Apr 18, 2012 at 8:01
  • 3
    I want to check how this can be achieved using plane C++ You can't "achieve" this with "plane C++"; it's a language feature of C++11, which C++03 lacks. I think Boost has some macro, but it's not quite as good. Apr 18, 2012 at 8:10
  • 2
    I think you are confused by standards terms: C++11 is the current C++ standard. C++03 is the past C++ standard. If you now say C++, it is the same as if you say C++11. In ten years maybe, the past standard might be C++11, and the current one C++18 or so, which you will then call C++. Apr 18, 2012 at 9:55

4 Answers 4


It does roughly the same thing as it would use for type deduction in a function template, so for example:

auto x = 1;

does kind of the same sort of thing as:

template <class T>
T function(T x) { return input; }


The compiler has to figure out the type of the expression you pass as the parameter, and from it instantiate the function template with the appropriate type. If we start from this, then decltype is basically giving us what would be T in this template, and auto is giving us what would be x in this template.

I suspect the similarity to template type deduction made it much easier for the committee to accept auto and decltype into the language -- they basically just add new ways of accessing the type deduction that's already needed for function templates.

  • 2
    Not quite. decltype(function_that_returns_reference()) is some U&, but function(function_that_returns_reference()) would deduce U, just like auto x = function_that_returns_reference(). It's auto that gives us the T in the template. Apr 18, 2012 at 9:43
  • @R.MartinhoFernandes: Yes, there are a few minor differences -- that's why I said "... roughly the same thing..." and "... kind of the same thing...". Templates precede auto by several years... Apr 18, 2012 at 14:04

In C++, every expression has value and type. For example, (4+5*2) is an expression which has value equal to 14 and type is int. So when you write this:

auto v = (4+5*2);

the compiler detects the type of the expression on the right side, and replaces auto with the detected type (with some exception, read comments), and it becomes:

int v = (4+5*2); //or simply : int v = 14;


auto b = 3.14159; //becomes double b = 3.14159;

auto e = new int[5]; //becomes int* e = new int[5];

and so on

  • So what is the type of v[i], where v is a standard library container? My understanding is that it is an lvalue since it returns by reference. But is the type of the expression a reference, or is the reference removed? This has a bearing on the behaviour of auto, since auto x = v[1] takes by value. Apr 18, 2012 at 9:15
  • 2
    @juanchopanza the type of v[i] in that case is some T& (or T const&). auto x = v[i] however, would deduce T, not T&. See here: stackoverflow.com/a/8797915/46642 Apr 18, 2012 at 9:48
  • @R.MartinhoFernandes right, so then auto does something a bit more complicated than just detect the type of the expression. Apr 18, 2012 at 9:52

The auto keyword is simply a way to declare a variable while having it type being based upon the value.

So your

auto b = 3.14159;

Will know that b is a double.

For additional reading on auto take a look at the following references

C++ Little Wonders: The C++11 auto keyword redux

The C++0x auto keyword


It works like before :)

Have you never hit a compiler error telling you:

error: invalid conversion from const char* to int

for such a code fragment: int i = "4";

Well, auto simply leverages the fact that the compiler knows the type of the expression on the right hand side of the = sign and reuses it to type the variable you declare.


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