int[] arr = new int[5];
        Console.WriteLine(arr.Count.ToString());//Compiler Error
        Console.WriteLine(((ICollection)arr).Count.ToString());//works print 5
        Console.WriteLine(arr.Length.ToString());//print 5

Do you have an explanation for that?

3 Answers 3


Arrays have .Length, not .Count.

But this is available (as an explicit interface implementation) on ICollection etc.

Essentially, the same as:

interface IFoo
    int Foo { get; }
class Bar : IFoo
    public int Value { get { return 12; } }
    int IFoo.Foo { get { return Value; } } // explicit interface implementation

Bar doesn't have public a Foo property - but it is available if you cast to IFoo:

    Bar bar = new Bar();
    Console.WriteLine(bar.Value); // but no Foo
    IFoo foo = bar;
    Console.WriteLine(foo.Foo); // but no Value

While System.Array implement the ICollection interface it doesn't directly expose the Count property. You can see the explicit implementation of ICollection.Count in the MSDN documentation here.

The same applies to IList.Item.

Take look at this Blog entry for more details on explicit and implicit interface implementation: Implicit and Explicit Interface Implementations


Whilst this doesn't answer your question directly, if you are using .NET 3.5 you can include the namespace;

using System.Linq;

which will then allow you to use a Count() method, similar to when casting your int array as an ICollection.

using System.Linq;

int[] arr = new int[5];
int int_count = arr.Count();

You also then have a whole host of nice functions you can use in Linq too :)

  • 1
    .. which would be O(n) instead of O(1)
    – VVS
    Jun 23, 2009 at 10:01
  • 3
    @VVS - you are incorrect. Enumerable.Count() checks for ICollection<T>, using .Count internally. Jun 23, 2009 at 10:11

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