
Node::Node(DataType Item):item(Item)
    lchild = 0;
    rchild = 0;

DataType Node::getItem()
    DataType anItem = item; 
    return anItem;

void Node::setItem( const DataType & data)
    item = data;

Node* Node::getLChild() const
    Node * p = lchild;
    return p;

void Node::setLChild(Node * p)
    lchild = p;

Node* Node::getRChild() const
    Node * p = rchild;
    return p;

void Node::setRChild(Node * p)
    rchild = p;



DataType * BST::Search(const string name)
    return Search(name, root);

DataType * BST::Search(const string name, Node * r)
    if(r != 0)
        if (name.compare(r->getItem().getname()) == 0)
            return &(r->getItem());
            if (name.compare(r->getItem().getname()) < 0)
                return Search(name, r->getLChild());
                return Search(name, r->getRChild());
        return NULL;


    MyClass mc1("Tree","This is a tree");
    MyClass mc2("Book","This is a book");
    MyClass mc3("Zoo","This is a zoo");

    BST tree;

    MyClass * mc = tree.Search("Book");
    if (mc != NULL)
        cout << mc->getname() << endl;

The problem is at the MyClass object (mc) returned from Search function.

I trace into Search() and make sure "r->getItem()" get what I want.

anything wrong with "return &(r->getItem());" ?



I'm a little bit confused.. can I change to "DataType BST::Search(const string name)" instead of "DataType * BST::Search(const string name)"....it seems that the compiler cannot pass. the return NULL will have some problem...

but I try your method to change the DataType* Node::getIthem() it still have error....@@

  • what does Node::getItem() return? May 9, 2012 at 13:32
  • if getItem() returns MyClass (not MyClass&), then "return &(r->getItem());" returns an address to a temporary object, which is destroyed at the time of accessing it. Other returns should be blocked by the compiler.
    – stefaanv
    May 9, 2012 at 13:44

2 Answers 2


I am guessing that Node::getItem() returns a DataType by value:

DataType Node::getItem();

When you take the address of that return value, you are essentially taking the address of something that will immediately disappear (a temporary). I suspect that Node holds DataType objects internally, in which case Node::getItem() could return a pointer to one of these.

DataType* Node::getItem() { return &item; }
const DataType* Node::getItem() const { return &item; }

or return by reference:

DataType& Node::getItem() { return item; }
const DataType& Node::getItem() const { return item; }
  • his getItem function is coded to return a copy of the data by value. The copy has to be removed as well, or he'll have the same issue. May 9, 2012 at 14:04
  • Thank you for solving my problem... it looks like I'd better to clarify the issue of pointer.... I'm confused why can't I use copy by value? May 10, 2012 at 10:45
  • @user1371541 you can use copy by value, but then you cannot assign the return value's address to a pointer or reference. You need a copy on the caller side. Think of the return value as a temporary that is then used to copy construct something else (although the most likely compiler optimizes away the copy, semantically there is a copy going on). May 11, 2012 at 12:20

return &(r->getItem()); will return the memory adress to whatever r->getItem() returns, not the object itself. If r->getItem() returns a pointer you will have to return (r->getItem());.

  • Unless of course r->getItem() returns a reference. Then he might be fine depending on how the map works.
    – user406009
    May 9, 2012 at 13:35
  • but if I change "r->getItem()" it will come up with "error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'DataType' to 'DataType *' " Node.cpp is: DataType Node::getItem() const { DataType anItem = item; return anItem; } May 9, 2012 at 13:41
  • @user1371541: "DataType Node::getItem() const", see juanchpanza's answer
    – stefaanv
    May 9, 2012 at 13:56

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