I added two text fileds to my project , I connect on of them to its related property the project works fine , once i connect the second and run then start editing the second text field the application stop responding and after some time it gives me the following error in the log

Discarding message for event 0 because of too many unprocessed messages

i tried to delete is and connect it again many times it has the same problem


2 Answers 2


Just my 2$. That nothing to do with the delegate you mentioned. I ran into this issue while using MapKit, couldn't figured out what was the issue but restarting my iPhone fixed it!!!

[EDIT] Got the reason why this happens. If location manager is running other than the main thread context then this happens intermittently. I was using location manager with NSTimer.


The problem solved when I use the following text field delegate

- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField{
    return NO;

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