As it is said - "friends are not inherited" .
it means that

class c
 friend void i_am_friend();

class d:public c

here void i_am_friend() is not inherited in class d .In more technical terms(i think this way.)

Object of class d will not have memory allocated for void i_am_friend() as it is friend of base class .
Now consider question no. 14.3 at this page http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq/friends.html

class Base {
   friend void f(Base& b);
   virtual void do_f();

 inline void f(Base& b)

 class Derived : public Base {
   virtual void do_f();  // "Override" the behavior of f(Base& b)

 void userCode(Base& b)

How can this code be correct?? because

class derived d;// d will not have friend function
class base *b=&d; //as a result b also don't have member function

So call to f(b) should be error here.

So what is correct to say :-
friendship isn't inherited
or friendship is inherited but can't be used in derived class

1 Answer 1


friendship isn't inherited

This is true, even in your example. The call to f(b) should NOT be an error there, because the Derived object is converted into Base& type.

The function f can access only the private and protected parts of the Base class, but only public parts of the Derived class.

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