Hi I have a model or table called bluedarts but I want to change the name to "staging" and also add couples of columns to the same table. Whats the command to do it.

1 Answer 1


Migrations would be the answer here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/migrations.html. You will need the rename_table method.

rails g migration rename_bluedarts_to_staging

def change
  rename_table :bluedarts, :staging

Then specify in the model that needs to use this table that it needs to use the staging table:

set_table_name 'staging'

To add the columns, create another migration for each column.

rails g migration add_column_name_to_staging column_name:string

The column_name:string bit says what the column name should be, and what type it should be. Then you just run rake db:migrate. Because of the naming convention used in the migration, it knows what code to use to add the column properly.

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