I have a jobplacements model.When i create new jobplacement i am passing category as a param like this :

new_jobplacement_path(:category => params[:category])

so url looks like this :


but when validations fails url changes to :


why this happens?where params category gets lost?how can i pass this params category when validations fail?

my create action code is :

def create
        @jobplacement = Jobplacement.new(params[:jobplacement])
        if @jobplacement.save
        redirect_to(jobplacement_url(@jobplacement.id,:category => @jobplacement.category), :notice => 'Job post was successfully created.') 
        render :action => "new" 

2 Answers 2


This is because your route for create action is

PUT http://localhost:3000/jobplacements

When you validations fails, the page is not redirected, so the url is remained.

Anyway, this will not cause problems.

  • no this causes problem because i need to store category through params...and when validations fails since there is no params value category is stored as empty which i dont want..
    – NJF
    Jun 1, 2012 at 5:25
  • @NJF So you need to change your create route, let it have category.
    – xdazz
    Jun 1, 2012 at 5:29

solved it... added :url => { :action => :create, :category => params[:category]} in form.html.haml:

= form_for(@jobplacement,:url => { :action => :create, :category => params[:category]},:validate => true, :html => { :class => "form grid_6", :id => "form" }) do |f|

now when validations fail my url changes to :


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