
I am getting this error,

Invalid argument supplied for foreach(); Undefined variable: rows........error in view line no 13.....

pls help me..i dont know wher is the error


function customer_area() {






function cusall() {     
  $q = $this->db->get('customer');        
  if($q->num_rows()>0) {    
    foreach($q->result() as $rows){      
    return $data;


<table border="1" height="200" width="200" bordercolor="#003366">
      <tr><th>ID</th></td><th>NAME</th><th>Type</th><th>Address</th><th>Mobile</th><th>Skype_Id</th><th>Email</th><th colspan="2">Actiom</th></tr>

      foreach($rows as $r)

      echo "<tr>";
      echo "<td>". $r->id ."</td>";
      echo "<td>". $r->name ."</td>";
      echo "<td>". $r->type ."</td>";
      echo "<td>". $r->address ."</td>";
      echo "<td>". $r->mobile ."</td>";
      echo "<td>". $r->skype_id ."</td>";
      echo "<td>". $r->email ."</td>";
      echo "<td>". anchor('customer/input/'.$r->id,'Edit') ."</td>";    
      echo "<td>". anchor('customer/del/'.$r->id,'Delete') ."</td>";
      echo "</tr>"; 
      echo "<br>"; 


1 Answer 1


in your model, return $q->result() instead of looping through and putting the rows in an array.

actually you can pretty much cut it down to this:

new function:

function cusall()       
    $q = $this->db->get('customer');
    return $q->result();
  • edited. this way it either returns a result object that your foreach will loop through, or a false which will never let the foreach trgger
    – Rooster
    Jun 22, 2012 at 19:25
  • you shouldnt need to change the view at all.
    – Rooster
    Jun 22, 2012 at 19:29
  • replace your model function with the one i wrote. you can verify its retrieving things from the db by using var_dump($data['rows']);exit; in your controller before you load the view
    – Rooster
    Jun 22, 2012 at 19:32

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