I would like to create an extension like tt_news , so i need to connect with my own tables . So how to write data fetching and insertion to the custom table

  • Are you gonna to do this with 'old school' or with Extbase ?
    – biesior
    Jun 28, 2012 at 13:53

1 Answer 1


In general, creating the extension from the scratch doesn't make a sense especially when you're learning.

Old school

For 'old school' extension it's the best way to install Extension Kickstarter.

It will help you to create tables, all required structure etc. Also will allow you to extend existing tables (ie. you can use it to modify tt_news tables and add custom filds without touching the tt_news' sources)

You should choose this way especially when you want to impact with some well-known extension written the same way.

All methods for working with DB can be found in the API

MVC - Extbase

If you're more familiar with MVC it would be better to use Extension Builder

It's the funnier way and allows to create extension faster, however it's less documented and more abstract.

It has also built-in modeler for creating your DB tables (Models) and creates set of default actions for the listing, displaying, modifying and removing records from your table. (with the bit of experience simplified version of the tt_news ca be created in few hours)

I generally prefer and for my new exts, esspecialy as it's some kind of preparation to work in the future with , but you need consider which points are more important to you.

  • I agree with Marcus - definitely go for Extbase / Fluid if possible. Jun 28, 2012 at 14:20
  • I have done a plugin for the fontend with Classes and Controllers using Kickstarter and maulay edited to achive MVC(With the help of an article). But that is done with the tt_content table alternation. But now i need my own table and those entries will be displayed over the LIST menu and Frontend + myplugins Admin menu under the WEB. like WEB->MyPlugin Admin.-------------------------------- So I'm stuck with adding content to the new table. am not familar with this TCA. is there any online tutorial or pdf?
    – raki
    Jun 28, 2012 at 14:26
  • Och gee... the worst scenario I think... you choose the mixed way, so it's even hard to find any examples for you. The best solution now is: create some other extension with kickstarter with very similar name, create there the required tables and other stuff, and then just copy the TCA settings, sql file etc etc into your MVC-kickstarted ext of course you'll need to change the table names, but it's better than adding whole the structures from the scratch.
    – biesior
    Jun 28, 2012 at 14:38

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