What's the best set of image preprocessing operations to apply to images for text recognition in EmguCV?

I've included two sample images here.

Applying a low or high pass filter won't be suitable, as the text may be of any size. I've tried median and bilateral filters, but they don't seem to affect the image much.

The ideal result would be a binary image with all the text white, and most of the rest black. This image would then be sent to the OCR engine.


  • 2
    could you please upload those sample images here? link gives 403 forbidden
    – Alupotha
    Jan 29, 2017 at 1:34

2 Answers 2


There's nothing like the best set. Keep in mind that digital images can be acquired by different capture devices and each device can embed its own preprocessing system (filters) and other characteristics that can drastically change the image and even add noises to them. So every case would have to be treated (preprocessed) differently.

However, there are commmon operations that can be used to improve the detection, for instance, a very basic one would be to convert the image to grayscale and apply a threshold to binarize the image. Another technique I've used before is the bounding box, which allows you to detect the text region. To remove noises from images you might be interested in erode/dilate operations. I demonstrate some of these operations on this post.

Also, there are other interesting posts about OCR and OpenCV that you should take a look:

Now, just to show you a simple approach that can be used with your sample image, this is the result of inverting the color and applying a threshold:

cv::Mat new_img = cv::imread(argv[1]);
cv::bitwise_not(new_img, new_img);

double thres = 100;
double color = 255;
cv::threshold(new_img, new_img, thres, color, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

cv::imwrite("inv_thres.png", new_img);
  • I guess I'll have to find the right set of erode/dilate operations for each image. Right now, I can't seem to find a combination that works reasonably well for all images. The watershed example works best, though.
    – Osiris
    Jul 17, 2012 at 3:51
  • Is there any other ways to detect text in images?
    – Maystro
    Apr 16, 2013 at 18:44
  • 2
    The second OpenCV link is dead, here is an alternative: github.com/damiles/basicOCR
    – yurez
    Dec 16, 2015 at 14:05

Try morphological image processing. Have a look at this. However, it works only on binary images - so you will have to binarize the image( threshold?). Although, it is simple, it is dependent on font size, so one structure element will not work for all font sizes. If you want a generic solution, there are a number of papers for text detection in images - A search of this term in google scholar should provide you with some useful publications.

  • Thanks, that paper is going to be really useful. I looked at morphological operations, but, as you said, they are dependent on the text size.
    – Osiris
    Jul 17, 2012 at 3:47

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