I have a flat file of e-mail header data that I'm trying to parse for analysis. The file will always have fields in order as follows: Record Number, 1 or 2 bytes, "From:" followed by the sender's name and "Sent:" followed by the date sent.

1 From: Person.Name Sent: April 12, 2010
2 From:<tab>Person.Name Sent: April 30, 2011
10 From: Person.Name Sent: June 29, 2012
11 From:<tab>Person.Name Sent: July 8, 2012

Using BufferedReader I am reading a the file line-by-line and defining a substring of the Name based on all characters between the indeces of "From:" and "Sent:".

String sender = inputLine.substring((inputLine.indexof("From:")+6),(inputLine.indexOf("Sent:")-1));

In this case, I'm grabbing everything AFTER "From: " (sixth byte excludes the word, the colon, and the space/single byte after the colon) through one LESS than the position of "Sent: " (the space before the S).

However, I'm getting unexpected output when I run the job. Some of my input data appears to have a tab after "From: " and some lines do not. When a tab is present, my output include the last two or three bytes of "From: " (when the record number is a single digit, I get m:<tab>, for double digit record numbers it's om:<tab>.

m:<tab>Person.Name        <-- single digit record number
om:<tab>Person.Name       <-- double digit record number

EDIT: When I amend my substring to

String sender = inputLine.substring((inputLine.indexof("From:\t")+6),(inputLine.indexOf("Sent:")-1));

ONLY the records with a space (and not a tab) prepent the end of the From: to the output.

Person.Name        <-- records with From:<tab>
om: Person.Name    <-- records with From:<space>

I'm now wondering if I understand substring correctly. My statement above is based on an understanding of substring(x,y) where x is the start and y is the end of the string. Is that correct?

Since indexOf("From:") is intended to represent an integer value of 2 or 3 (depending on a 1 or 2 byte record number, e.g., 1 From: or 10 From:) I would think that adding a value of 6 would give me an index value that falls AFTER the : in index 8 or 9 from the front of the line. So why does it appear to be viewing this as an index of 5--regardless?

           111111111122222222222  |
 0123456789012345678901234567890  + index values
 1 From: Person.Name Sent: June
 10 From: Person.Name Sent: July

The tab is the only difference in the records, and while I understand that a tab character may need to be counted differently than an ASCII space character, SUBTRACTING from the index seems a little strange.

Even more interesting, if I remove the "adjustments" from the statement,

     String sender = inputLine.substring((inputLine.indexof("From:")),(inputLine.indexOf("Sent:")));

I get a -1 out of range exception.

Can someone please explain what's happening here? I am baffled, and can't find answers this specific in oracle's java documentation.

  • May be consider appending From:\\t and see.
    – kosa
    Jul 20, 2012 at 16:17
  • \\t is the tab with escape characters? Would I then be doing indexOf("From:\\t")?
    – dwwilson66
    Jul 20, 2012 at 16:19
  • yes. I would give a try. But, it fails for the lines without tabs.
    – kosa
    Jul 20, 2012 at 16:20
  • 1
    Based on the information you've supplied, your original substring is fine. (You don't need those parens around your arguments, btw, and they make it hard to read the code.) I'm having trouble (with respect!) believing what you're describing; the presence of a tab after the From: cannot change the result of indexOf("From:"), and thus cannot change the starting point within the string at which substring will extract the substring. Jul 20, 2012 at 16:25
  • Revised to include more unexpected results when I look for \\t
    – dwwilson66
    Jul 20, 2012 at 16:25

1 Answer 1


I ended up creating new input fields that replaced \t with a space. Then everything worked fine. What it was about the tab character that threw things off is still a mystery.

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