I have a table in a Rails application where each column is of type String. This column, which will shall call mycolumn, is formatted such that each entry fits the format NN:NN where N is some digit from 0 - 9.

Now where I'm having trouble is I need to find all the elements such that mycolumn[0..1] is with in a certain range (lets just say 35).

I'm thinking the statement would look something like

Mytable.find(:all, :conditions => ['? <= 35', :mycolumn[0..1].to_i])

Would this work? Is there another way to do this?

1 Answer 1


No, that won't work that way --- you are going to have to either:

  1. format a SQL statement that works with the database you've chosen
  2. Use a datatype in your table that you can custom query on (like store both NN and NN in separate columns)
  3. Retrieve all models and do the select conditions in Ruby

I recommend #2 --- store the core data, and then add a method to format it to NN:NN

  • I was scared of that. Problem is the format I mentioned is how its going to be entered on the form. Jul 23, 2012 at 18:24
  • @LeeAbraham extract out what you need, store how you really need to access it, and present to the user later in the form they expect. Jul 23, 2012 at 18:38

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