I can't figure out how to test that a cookie has been set when testing my helper method.

Hypothetical helper method:

def my_helper(k,v)
    cookies[k] = v


it 'should set cookies' do  
  helper.my_helper("foo", "bar")
  helper.cookies["foo"].should == "bar" #nil
  helper.response.cookies["foo"].should == "bar" #nil

Anyone know how to do this?


3 Answers 3


Substituting a simple rspec mock for the CookieJar works, if you're willing to:

helper.stubs(:cookies => cookies = mock)
cookies.expects(:[]=).with('foo', 'bar')
helper.my_helper('foo', 'bar')

I'm on rails 3.2 and rspec 2.8. Despite what the rspec docs says the following works for me in a request spec (ie. integration test).

it 'should set cookies' do  
  cookies['foo'] = 'bar'
  visit "/"
  cookies['foo'].should == 'bar'
  • Yup, I've definitely checked cookies in standard request specs.
    – Matt Baker
    Jul 26, 2012 at 0:52
  • @MattBaker Which version of rails and rspec you're using?
    – Dty
    Jul 26, 2012 at 0:59
  • @MattBaker also here an article about how someone debugged their way through using cookies in rspec. It might help you figure out how to troubleshoot this whole thing. dobbse.net/thinair/2011/12/…
    – Dty
    Jul 26, 2012 at 1:01
  • We're on rails 3.1.4 and rspec 2.8. Maybe I'll take a shot at upgrading.
    – Matt Baker
    Jul 26, 2012 at 1:13

request the cookie through

 helper.request.cookies[:awesome] = "something"
  • This doesn't work for me. Remember, I'm trying to get the cookie, not set it.
    – Matt Baker
    Jul 25, 2012 at 22:15

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