i am seeking help on updating one column in a table with results from another query.

table names:

saleitems - fields are (itemid,quantity,saledate) 
stockbuffers - fields are (itemid,bufferquantity)

i am getting the buffer quantity with the following query from sale items table:

SELECT (SUM(saleitems.quantity / 6)) * 6 FROM saleitems WHERE saleitems.saledate BETWEEN date_sub(curdate(),interval 180 day) AND NOW() GROUP BY saleitems.itemid

i want to update the column buffer quantity from the above query's result. can anyone help. greatly appreaciate.


1 Answer 1


You can use update query as:

Update stockbuffers set bufferquantity =(SELECT (SUM(saleitems.quantity / 6)) * 6 FROM saleitems WHERE saleitems.saledate BETWEEN date_sub(curdate(),interval 180 day) AND NOW() GROUP BY saleitems.itemid)

its just a sample and not have been tested.

  • how would the query know which row to update since there are two tables. where do i place the join query to join the tables since itemid is a common field in both tables
    – mmdel
    Jul 28, 2012 at 14:34
  • The query will be updating the stockbuffer table as we have specified in the code as "Update stockbuffers" Jul 28, 2012 at 14:43

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