Possible Duplicate:
py2exe - generate single executable file

I made a application.exe from application.py using "pyinstaller".There are so many .dll file generated during this process. How can i make a application with single .exe file

  • 11
    This is not a duplicate, since it's asking about pyinstaller. The other question is asking about py2exe.
    – Zenadix
    Feb 5, 2015 at 15:04
  • 1
    Actually the top answer there does answer your question: stackoverflow.com/a/112713/4752883
    – alpha_989
    Feb 25, 2018 at 1:46

1 Answer 1


Have you tried the --onefile option to PyInstaller? See the documentation on the subject.

  • 4
    I thought I was going to need some other packer or something, what a simple solution to something I was already using. Thanks!
    – DeeJayh
    Apr 29, 2017 at 21:07

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