I am trying to the implode the userIDs in the $users_in_range array the problem is it is iploding miles instead of userid

$users_in_range = users_in_range($lat, $long, 500, true); 

// implode users into mysql friendly list
$comma_separated = implode(",", $users_in_range);
echo $comma_separated;

// this is just for output while debugging
foreach ($users_in_range as $userid => $miles_away) {
    echo "UserID=<b>$userid</b> is <b>$miles_away</b> miles away from me.<br />";
  • How does $users_in_range array looks like?
    – RaYell
    Jul 25, 2009 at 7:46

2 Answers 2


The userid is the key of the array, so you need to do:

$comma_separated = implode(",", array_keys($users_in_range));
  • thanks, curious is this bad on performance? Would I be better off possibly reversing the order the array is created, like switch the key? If I made miles the key and userid a value, would I be able to sort by the miles key?
    – JasonDavis
    Jul 25, 2009 at 7:52
  • The performance should be fine. You could switch it around and sort with ksort, but you'd have a problem if two users were the same distance away - I'd stick with what you have there.
    – Greg
    Jul 25, 2009 at 8:22

try :

$comma_separated = implode(',', array_keys($users_in_range));

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