I have a csv file called "archive". It is opened as a reader. I wish to create a dictionary whose values (k,v) are made from {row[0]+row[2]:row[7]} for each row in the csv file. There must be a simple straight forward way to turn this csv into a dictionary where k = row[0]+row[2] and v = row[7].

# open archive reader
farchive = open ("wv5archive.csv","rb")
archive = csv.reader(farchive, delimiter=',')

for rows in archive: 
    arch_dict = {rows[0]+rows[2]:rows[7]} 

print arch_dict 

1 Answer 1


The easiest way to do this is to use a dictionary comprehension:

arch_dict = {row[0]+row[2]: row[7] for row in archive}

If you're on an older version of Python:

arch_dict = {}
for row in archive: 
    arch_dict[row[0]+row[2]] = rows[7]
  • You could write the comprehension pre 2.7 as dict( ((row[0],row[2]), row[7]) for row in archive) - more elegant than your second option (or row[0]+row[2] - whatever) Aug 6, 2012 at 16:09
  • "eye of the beholder" I guess. Your answer (to me) just seems to imply that you have to create an empty dict, and iterate to assign key/vals if not using 2.7+ - and we agree that's not the case... Anyway, +1 from me. Aug 6, 2012 at 16:23

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