i want to preview an image as soon as it is uploaded. i am using ASP.NET FileUpload control and this is what i have done so far.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function callPostBack() {
        var uploadControlFileUploader = document.getElementById('<%=   FileUploadThumbnailImage.ClientID%>');
            var path = uploadControlFileUploader.value; alert(path);
            document.getElementById("ImageThumbnail").src = path;

            return false;


when i run this code in localhost it works fine. but when i published it in iis it's not working. i want to do this using javascript. can anyone help me (ImageThumbnail is the ID of my preview button).


1 Answer 1


you can get the solution from here-

and look into here too

Upload and preview image in client side without posting back

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