Since couple weeks I'm trying to figure out how can I select (choose) item on popup menu which is extended to another popup submenu. For example:

 HMENU hMenu,hSubMenu;
 hMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
 hSubMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
 AppendMenu(hMenu , MF_POPUP | MF_STRING | MF_ENABLED, (UINT_PTR) hSubMenu, name.c_str()); // this one i want to select and choose on callback
 AppendMenu(hMenu , MF_POPUP | MF_STRING, (UINT_PTR) count, name.c_str());

Than I'm trying to get Callback with: WM_MENUSELECT to catch the name of hover element. But when I click on this hSubMenu element - menu don't want disappear, but is still active and extends submenu elements.

WM_INITMENUPOPUP will not help.

I just want to close this popup menu when i get message back from WM_MENUSELECT. WM_LBUTTONUP doesn't work on popup menu...

Could You give me some advice? I'm coding with pure winapi.


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