I am completeley new with windows batch scripting. I want to write a batch script that gets commandline parameters as below;

myscript -parameter1 param1 -parameter2 param2

It should set parameter1 to param1 and parameter2 to param2 inside the script. Does anybody have a code block which does the above?



1 Answer 1


You can go through the arguments with a loop and try something like this:

  set "arg=%~1"
  if "%arg:~0,1%"=="-" (
    set "%arg:~1%=%~2"
if not "%1"=="" goto argloop

echo parameter 1: %parameter1%
echo parameter 2: %parameter2%

This will look at the arguments one by one and if an argument starts with a - it will set an environment variable of the same name with the next argument as its value:

H:\>args.cmd -parameter1 param1 -parameter2 param2
parameter 1: param1
parameter 2: param2

If you need the original arguments later, then you should move above loop to a subroutine and call it with %* as arguments.

  • @korhan If it worked for you, then maybe you could think about accepting the answer? Accepting answers will make people more willing to answer you in the future. Aug 16, 2012 at 11:07

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