I'm in the context of a BrowserView. I want to render a form inside the page.

class CommandeView(BrowserView):
    def render_myform(self):
        livraison_form = LivraisonForm(self.context, self.request)
        return livraison_form.render()

class ILivraisonForm(interface.Interface):
    livraison = schema.Choice(title=_(u"Mode de livraison"),

class LivraisonForm(AutoExtensibleForm, form.EditForm):
    schema = ILivraisonForm

class LivraisonFormAdapter(object):
    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context
        self.livraison = self.context.livraison

I would like render_myform to render only the form but it return a HTML Plone page.

Any tips are welcomed.

  • Have you tried with a FormWrapper ? I'm not sure it works in the case of a browserview
    – Jihaisse
    Aug 17, 2012 at 10:10
  • The formwrapper is to create a page to display the form. I want the opposite: display a form inside an existing page.
    – toutpt
    Aug 17, 2012 at 12:00

1 Answer 1


Haven't checked this in-depth, but the form is probably wrapped by the plone FormWrapper class.

Look for a .form attribute on the LivraisonForm instance:

def render_myform(self):
    livraison_form = LivraisonForm(self.context, self.request).form
    return livraison_form.render()

It may be you need to add an additional interface to the request for this to work (the wrapper normally does this for you. I'm a little low on time right now, so you get this untested:

from plone.z3cform import z2

class CommandeView(BrowserView):
    def render_myform(self):
        z2.switch_on(self)  # Apply layer interface, set up locale, add `getURL` method
        livraison_form = LivraisonForm(self.context, self.request).form
        return livraison_form.render()

The Plone Knowledgebase uses this same setup to show a form in a viewlet.

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