I'm fiddling with an Arduino project where I've got these structs in my main file:

struct gpsCoord_t {
  long latitude;
  long longitude; 

struct track_t {
  char code[4];
  gpsCoord_t bounds[4];
  gpsCoord_t points[4];

Next to that I've got a function to dump variables of this type to the serial bus in that same file:

void dumpTrack(track_t track) {
  Serial.print("\nTrack: ");
  Serial.print("\nTrack bounds: ");
  Serial.print("\n- 1 lat: ");
  Serial.print("\n- 1 lon: ");

The compiler produces 2 errors without line numbers from which I believe the first one is caused by the second one:

error: variable or field 'dumpTrack' declared void
error: 'track_t' was not declared in this scope

EDIT here's the complete file:

#include <Wire.h> //I2C library
#include <I2C_eeprom.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <TinyGPS.h>

I2C_eeprom ee(0x50);

const int baseTrackAddress = 3;
const int trackSize = 68;
const int maxTracks = 480;

int powerOnLED = 2;
int gpsFixLED = 3;
int trackFoundLED = 4;
int errorLED = 6;
int gpsSensor = 7;

TinyGPS gps;
SoftwareSerial nss(gpsSensor, 255);

int calcTrackAddress(int trackId) {
  return (trackId*trackSize) + baseTrackAddress;

struct gpsCoord_t {
  long latitude;
  long longitude; 

struct track_t {
  char code[4];
  gpsCoord_t bounds[4];
  gpsCoord_t points[4];

track_t tracks[maxTracks];

void setup() 
  Serial.print("Demo I2C eeprom library ");

  strcpy(tracks[0].code, "X11");
  tracks[0].bounds[0].latitude = 0;
  tracks[0].bounds[0].longitude = 0;

  tracks[0].points[0].latitude = 0;
  tracks[0].points[0].longitude = 0;

  ee.writeBlock(3, (uint8_t*)&tracks[0], trackSize);

void loop() 
  Serial.println("\nTEST: 64 byte page boundary writeBlock");
  dumpEEPROM(0, 255);

void dumpTrack(track_t track) {
  Serial.print("\nTrack: ");
  Serial.print("\nTrack bounds: ");
  Serial.print("\n- 1 lat: ");
  Serial.print("\n- 1 lon: ");

void readTrack(int trackId) {
  track_t track;
  ee.readBlock(60, (uint8_t*)&track, 10);

void readTracks() {


void dumpEEPROM(unsigned int addr, unsigned int length)
  // block to 10
  addr = addr / 10 * 10;
  length = (length + 9)/10 * 10;

  byte b = ee.readByte(addr); 
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) 
    if (addr % 10 == 0)
    b = ee.readByte(++addr); 
    Serial.print("  ");

void ProcessCommand(char* command) {

char* ReadSerialCommand() {
  int i=0;
  char commandbuffer[100];

     while( Serial.available() && i< 99) {
        commandbuffer[i++] = Serial.read();

    return (char*)commandbuffer; 
    return 0L;

When I put the entire dumpTrack function in comment, the errors go away. I've checked a couple of times for a typo but failed to find any.

  • Please provide a complete (but minimal) file which has this problem.
    – Mankarse
    Aug 24, 2012 at 6:53
  • The problem is likely on the lines just before dumpTrack.
    – Bo Persson
    Aug 24, 2012 at 7:01

2 Answers 2


It seems you are compiling this code as C.

Instead of

struct track_t {
  char code[4];
  gpsCoord_t bounds[4];
  gpsCoord_t points[4];


typedef struct {
  char code[4];
  gpsCoord_t bounds[4];
  gpsCoord_t points[4];
} track_t;
  • 1
    Or keep the definition as it is and refer to the type as struct track_t. Aug 24, 2012 at 7:41
  • @KeithThompson your solution DID work! How do I proceed to mark what as an answer? Aug 24, 2012 at 7:45
  • @SylvainGirard: You can't accept a comment as an answer. To accept an answer, click the check mark next to it. Aug 24, 2012 at 8:01
  • @arrowdodger: I didn't post an answer, just a comment on yours. Your answer is correct; I just expanded on it. (Feel free to edit my comment into your answer if you like.) Aug 24, 2012 at 9:29

I suspect somewhere in a header there is a variable called dumpTrack. Why don't you just rename the function to something else?

Also in general it is good to avoid using reserved words as function names; "loop" is not a good choice for a function name.

Edit: the latter is probably the reason for your problem.

  • loop is a required function name for Arduino. Aug 24, 2012 at 7:40

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