Im trying to execute a scalar valued function in an insert query. Im using sql parameter collection but still stuck with it.


Insert into PackageProducts values (@id, @name, @prodId, @prodCode)

// I want to call a scalar valued function to get value for the @prodCode when this query excecutes


create function getProdCodeById(@id uniqueidentifier) returns varchar(15)
declare @code varchar(15)
select @code=ProductCode from Products where ID=@id
return @code

What I'm trying to do

//create command, connection etc.. after than

DbParameter param = createParameter() ; // returns an empty parameter
param.Name = "@prodCode";
param.Value = String.Format("getProdCodeById('{0}')", 5);

when I execute , it takes the parameter value as a string.. the function never gets executed. Can you tell me what am I doing wrong here ?

1 Answer 1


Use a select statement for your function

SELECT [dbo].[getProdCodeById] (@id)

You can assign this to a variable before using it, as in

DECLARE @parameter varchar(15)
SET @parameter  = (SELECT [dbo].[getProdCodeById] (@id))

You can now use @parameter anywhere in your code

  • when I execute the function in sql server it works.. the issue however, when I specify the function call as a value to an sql parameter ( even with the select keyword ), final query considers it as just a string
    – nadunDev
    Sep 5, 2012 at 5:51
  • Firstly, assign the function to a parameter, then you can use it as your parameter Sep 5, 2012 at 13:38

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