Android InApp Purchase when request purchase send successfully the Google Play application sends a RESPONSE_CODE broadcast intent RESULT_OK it indicates that the request was sent successfully to Google Play. when the requested transaction changes state (for example, the purchase is successfully charged to a credit card or the user cancels the purchase), the Google Play application sends an IN_APP_NOTIFY broadcast intent As per google play docs. But I am not getting IN_APP_NOTIFY broadcast intent when user cancel the purchase . Am I going wrong or is there any problem in google play document.

Please provide the solution . Thanks In Advance!!!!

1 Answer 1


MarketBillingService sends

public static final String ACTION_NOTIFY = "com.android.vending.billing.IN_APP_NOTIFY";

when users cancel his purchase, and this event is fired correctly in all my apps. You need to provide some sources and your manifest file to get more help.

  • <service android:name="phonegap.plugin.Androidbilling.plugin.BillingService" /> <receiver android:name="phonegap.plugin.Androidbilling.plugin.BillingReceiver"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.android.vending.billing.IN_APP_NOTIFY" /> <action android:name="com.android.vending.billing.RESPONSE_CODE" /> <action android:name="com.android.vending.billing.PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> Sep 12, 2012 at 5:05
  • LOG CAT shows the following logs when user clicks back button and cancel the purchase D/BillingService(1137):RequestPurchase: RESULT_USER_CANCELED 09-12 07:57:44.150: D/CallbackBillingActivity(1137): onRequestPurchaseResponse 09-12 07:57:44.150: D/CallbackBillingActivity: android.test.purchased: RESULT_USER_CANCELED 09-12 07:57:44.150: I/CallbackBillingActivity: user canceled purchase 09-12 07:57:44.250: D/CordovaLog(1137): requestPurchase: SUCCEED 09-12 07:57:44.250: D/CordovaLog(1137): responseCodeRESULT_USER_CANCELED Sep 12, 2012 at 5:41
  • when user cancel the purchase and again retry to purchase it never display Google play purchase window.. Sep 12, 2012 at 5:45
  • consider to move your BillingReceiver class to default app package (same as stated in <manifest package=""> attribute
    – HitOdessit
    Sep 12, 2012 at 7:07

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