I'm implementing an extension to QTP using the Web Extensibility Toolkit. If my JScript function that implements the QTP action encounters an error (e.g User gave wrong argument values), I want the QTP to stop the test execution and notify the user about the error. I want it to act as a normal error in QTP and ask if the user want to debug\retry\skip\stop execution.

How can I do it?

1 Answer 1


If you throw an exception with a string then the message you throw is presented in QTP like any other script error (StopRetrySkipDebug)

You should throw a JavaScript Error object so that QTP will be able to display a meaningful message:

throw Error("I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do " + action);
  • When I tried it, I got a message in the explorer saying that: An exception was thrown and not caught. Asking me if I want to debug it. After pressing no, I get the desired QTP message but the error description is still "An exception was thrown and not caught".
    – Eldad
    Aug 6, 2009 at 14:27
  • 1
    The exception from explorer is because you don't have Disable script debugging (Internet Exploere) checked (from Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced) which is the recommended mode when working with QTP.
    – Motti
    Aug 6, 2009 at 14:58
  • With string variables (var e = "error"; throw e;), the whole JS file is not working. With String literals (throw "error";) I still get the same: Description: Exception thrown and not caught
    – Eldad
    Aug 6, 2009 at 15:16
  • That's strange, try it with throw "error"; as the only thing on that specific script line (it works for me).
    – Motti
    Aug 6, 2009 at 16:46

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